As Christians all of the world commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, President Bola Tinubu has reminded Nigerians that it was a period for people to look out for one another.

President Tinubu also said he was aware that the necessary reforms his administration was implementing to achieve a more prosperous, and peaceful nation for all have imposed unique sacrifices.

He urged the citizenry to remain steadfast, assuring his commitment to govern with vision, dedication and empathy.

The President, in his Christmas message, yesterday, said:

“Christmas is a special time of the year for all of us. For Christians, this time of the year marks the birth of Jesus Christ and celebrates the hope and redemption that are the hallmarks of Christ’s life.

“For people of all faiths, this is an opportunity to enjoy the company of family, celebrate life, and delight in the gifts of love and friendship that make life worthwhile.

“This is also a time to look out for each other because amid the festivities, this time of year for many will be tinged with sadness: some mourning the loss of loved ones and others grieving the hopes that failed to materialise and the dreams that fell short.

“In the spirit of Christmas, reflecting the best of Christ, let us all endeavour to extend the warm embrace of kindness to those around us who need it and let the multiple acts of kindness serve as a light that guides us into a happy and wonderful new year.

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