The Academic Staff Union of Universities ASUU Nasarawa State University Keffi, NSUK Branch has called on the Nasarawa State Government to commence payment of over N600,000,000 Earned Academic Allowance owed lecturers of the institution to avert imminent breakdown of industrial harmony.

Chairman of ASUU of the school Professor Samuel Alu made the call during a peaceful protest in Keffi, Nasarawa State on Wednesday.

Academic and official activities were temporarily disrupted at the Nasarawa State University Keffi following a peaceful protest by lecturers of the institution to call on the attention of the federal and state governments to commence the implementation of agreements reached with the union in 2019.

The lecturers who came out in large numbers converged on the university’s assembly hall and marched to the main gate displaying placards with comments such as “Save the Ivory Towers from Total Collapse,” “We Say No to Enslavement, Education is a right that Must be protected” and “Revitalization is Key to the Survival of the Nigerian Universities”.

Addressing journalists, the Chairman, of the Academic Staff Union of Universities ASUU NSUK Branch Professor Samuel Alu explained that public universities across the country had continued to suffer infrastructure and manpower deficits due to inadequate attention.

Professor Alu called on the federal and state governments to address their demands including the release of funds for the revitalisation of the public universities, payment of Earned Academic Allowance and indiscriminate proliferation of universities across the country.

Professor Samuel Alu stressed the need for Governor Abdullahi Sule to tow the path of Kwara, Ekiti and Osun State governments and commence payment of the federal government’s 35000 Naira wage award to lecturers of the university to provide relief to staff from the effects of the fuel subsidy removal.

The union vowed that if the state government fails within the stipulated time it will embark on an indefinite industrial action.

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