The recently conducted presidential election has revealed a lot that could go wrong through the gubernatorial election of March 11, 2023.

This article seeks to present points Nigerians should consider in the bid to hamper a reoccurrence of fraudulent, manipulation activities by persons, or as masterminded by stakeholders in opposition parties.

On observed situations that could surround an electoral process such as that of the forthcoming March 11 gubernatorial, the following are paramount digestives to ensuring that all is run smoothly.

People should;

1. Ensure that only official vehicles are used to convey materials for the election. Do feel free to raise an alarm if movements become unofficial at any point in time.

2. Ensure that suspicious persons at polling units are questioned for proper identification. There are parties in the business of transporting, paying foreigners and mostly, herders in their numbers to vote for specific candidates. We must be sensitive and guarantee that such is thwarted.

3. Ensure that nobody guides anybody with thumbing. If anyone claims ignorance on ‘how to vote,’ they should be let to vote however – there is room for valid and invalid votes. Such hoky-poky should not be entertained.

4. Ensure to raise an alarm if you notice any form of vote-buying. The voting environment is not a business scene for exchange of money between persons or groups to take place. You have every right to raise your voice against such.

5. Ensure that no INEC official has sidewalks or talks with party agents, community leaders or elders in the course of duty. If they have to, get close-enough so as to note the conversation. Feel free to call the attention of others if you sense foul play.

6. Ensure that YOU monitor both counting and recording of results by INEC official(s). Irrespective of delays, do not leave the unit; you can create a group to keep you company as you wait till the end.

7. Ensure that YOU caution against writing, cancellation and rewriting of figures. Take pictures of the original result sheet. You may also take a group picture with officials.

8. [Agents] Ensure that results are via the BVAS transmitted and confirmed online before leaving the unit. Make the act scam impossible for scammers. Leave no room for delayed upload. Raise an alarm if you suspect trickery.

Author: Pishikeni Daniel
Nasarawa, Nigeria.

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