I preach to you brethren *DA GOSPEL* of our lord Jesus Christ,
From the book of *John chapter 19 and 20*
Ref = (Matt 12:37, Romans 10:8-10)
Apostle Paul made it clear for you, (1 Cor. 15:1-4).
The gospel is much more than a ticket to heaven; it’s an invitation to new life, forgiveness of sins and an eternal relationship with a loving eternal God.
 (John 3:16). (John 10:10).
[Chorus] x²
the Death, the burial, resurrection X³
Da Gospel of Jesus Christ
Yo mahn I preach to you
[Verse 1]
This is the euangelion (goodnews) of Christ mahn the son of God
Apostle Paul makes it clear for us brothers and sisters
Da Gospel I preached to you, Christ die and buried
Risen on the 3rd say for our sins and reasons
(For) I’m not ashame of the gospel mahn of Jesus Christ
For its the power of God unto salvation
To everyone who believes
By faith the just will live
When Jesus came to this world exagorazo (out to buy in a slave market)
We’re in a slave market, market mahn full of sins
He walked in, and paid the price mahn for all of us
And opens heaven gate, so we could go free
Many who believes, gave them the power to become the sons of God
For this gospel came not unto you in words only
But also in the power mahn of the holy ghost
Go ye and preach the word to every creatures
Believe be justified, reject be condemn
[Verse 2]
I was among them shouting give us Barabbas
I killed Jesus mahn, I killed him a mahn thousand times
There I was standing, I witness Pilate how he scourge
Soldiers plaited him a crown of thorns mahn and won on his head
Bearing his cross to a place called golgatha (skull)
Fullfillment of the scriptures, all things mahn were now accomplished
My saviour said he thirst, received a vinegar
He said it’s is finished, bow his head and gave his ghost
Joseph Arimathea, a disciple of Jesus Christ,
Besought Pilate that he might take away mahn the body of Christ
Body wrapped in a limen clothes, place in a new sepulchre (tomb)
On a Sunday commeth, runneth mary Magdalene
Simon pet, disciple and lovers mahn of Jesus Christ
The stone is rolled away and his body mahn was never found
The linen clothes and napkins were wrapped mahn by the side
For they was yet to know the scriptures, that he must rise again
Da Gospel X¹²
Da Gospel of Jesus Christ yo mahn I preach to you



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