Former Governor of Imo State, Senator Rochas Okorocha has claimed that President Muhammadu Buhari is interested in taking up his N2.4 billion fraud case charged against him by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

BX recalls that the anti-graft agency had earlier in the week, filed a 17-count fraud charge against the 2023 presidential aspirant at the Federal High Court, Abuja, shortly after he publicly declared his intention.

According to the charges, the current lawmaker representing Imo West Senatorial District, was alleged to have embezzled N2.4 billion through connivance with some companies and individuals.

Okorocha was, however, at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, on Thursday, to seek Buhari’s intervention on the matter.

Fielding questions from the State House Correspondents after meeting with the President, Okorocha, who had accused the current Imo State Government of plotting to destroy his presidential ambition, said Buhari has agreed to take up the cases.

Okorocha stated that “The President said he would take up the matter, especially when he saw the judgment. He said he will take up the matter and find out what is actually happening. And I hope he will do so. And I believe he will do that.”

The federal lawmaker said it was “politically motivated” when asked if he suspected his ordeal was being orchestrated by the detractors.

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