In IMAP, Some Lecturers Now Demand ₦1,000 For Submission Of Assignment, Sex For Marks – Lawyer Allerged

A Lafia-based legal practitioner, Ayiwulu Baba Ayiwulu has taken to social media to appeal to the management of the Isa Mustapha Agwai Polytechnic (IMAP) Lafia to investigate what he termed “open extortion of students” by Lecturers.


Ayiwulu alleged that some lecturers of the state owned institution now demands openly ₦1,000 from students for the submission of assignment.

He also alleged that other lecturers demands sex/money for marks.

“The extortion in the Nasarawa State Polytechnic is too open. Imagine a lecturer in class will tell students to submit assignment with ₦1,000. Another saying, if you scratch my back, I scratch yours.

“Worst still, is when Students will be asked to search for their exams script themselves and asked to pay because they are missing.

“I hope the school management will set up a committee towards this. A secret investigation on this will also help”, Ayiwulu wrote.

Efforts to reach the school management for comment proved abortive at press time. However, a former students leader stated that “the practice isn’t new in the state as it is found in almost all the institutions”.

Source: NasarawaMirrow

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