Emmanuel Sircidy – C. E. O Sir-Cidy multimedia


Hi Bestxplorian,  welcome to another fresh episode of DEEP SECRETS 1.9 where we interview your favourites celebrities in order to dig out those secrets they’re keeping away from you and we get to Xpose them to you.

Ladies and gentlemen meet Sircidy the C. E. O of Sircidy multimedia and the organiser of the prestigious award, USAN

Qn. Please briefly tell us who SirCidy is plus his real names?

Sircidy: My name is Emmanuel Cidy Enwerem.

Qn. What do you do for a living?

Sircidy: Am a printer and business man. Am Igbo by tribe

Qn. How old are you and what are your qualifications?

Sircidy: I was born and bred up in Kaduna state, 28 years of age and I hold a diploma in law.

Qn. You grew up in Kafanchan Kaduna state but now base in Nasarawa state, Lafia precisely. Why do you chose Nasarawa state over Kaduna state?

Sircidy: Yes I grew up in Kaf.
Well, I came to Nasarawa to study after the election crisis in kaf in the year 2011 I saw a virgin land that is full of opportunities so I decided to stay back and hustle here

Qn. What is your best/greatest achievement so far?

Sircidy: At the moment I will say playing the role of a father to my siblings

Qn. Tell us about the most embarrassing moment of your life?

Sircidy: Non, I can’t think of any for now

Qn. What is your Favourite food?

Sircidy: Beans and plantain

Qn. Are you into a relationship?

Sircidy: It’s complicated

Qn. Who is your ex, and why do you break up with her?

Sircidy: My ex that will be Ene at the time she was ready I wasn’t ready and am still not ready.

Qn. If your wishes could be granted, what’s the first thing you would wish for?

Sircidy: I will wish to be greater than Don Jazzy my mentor.

Emmanuel Sircidy – C. E. O SIR-CIDY Multimedia

Qn. Who is your celebrity crush?

Sircidy: Lol OK that will be Ciara and in Nasarawa state is Zina Kosi.

Qn. Who is your favourite Nigerian Artiste?

Sircidy: My favourite female Nigeria artiste is Tiwa Savage.

Qn. Your Best Nigerian song?

Sircidy: “Wetin You Gain” by Victor AD

Qn. Who is your role model?

Sircidy: My role model is Don Jazzy

Qn. What was your ambition as a kid?

Sircidy: To become a barrister
That has always been my dreams

Qn. How did you come up with the idea of starting up an entertainment brand and an award event that is known as Sir Cidy Multimedia and Upcoming Stars Award Night?

Sircidy: I have always love music and it’s just my way of encouraging young and upcoming artistes.

Qn. How many artistes or entertainers do you have under your brand?

Sircidy: I have 4 at the moment

Qn. What are your plans for your artistes?

Sircidy: I want to give them the best I and to push them to reach their full potential

Qn. Who is your favourite artistes among your signed acts?

Sircidy: Lol I love them all but My favorite will be Shedizko Dre.

Qn. What are the challenges you’re facing while running and managing the brand as the C. E. O.?

Sircidy: One of the challenges is that; your artistes will always want to do what they want and not what I want them to do so I just apply wisdom most times.

Qn. Should Entertainers and fans expect the second phase of Upcoming Stars Award (USAN) this year?

Sircidy: I don’t want to let the cat out of the bag but they should expect something bigger than USAN soon!

Qn. What do you think about Nasarawa Entertainment?

Sircidy: I think the artistes are stepping up to their games and a lot is changing in the industry for good

Qn. You’re passionate about promoting Nasarawa Entertainers, what is that thing that is driving you this much?

Sircidy: The raw talent I see in the state is the only thing that drives me…

Qn. What advice do you have for Nasarawa artistes, events organisers, promoters, Mcs, Djs, graphics designers, producers, Bloggers, OAPs and everyone involve?

Sircidy: MC’s are already doing a great job, for the Dj’s I will advice them to try and be playing our artistes songs and for the OAPs they should please support us. I think graphic designers and producers are doing a great job and they should keep it up.

Qn. What is your advice for the upcoming artistes?

Sircidy: And for the upcoming they should drop pride and ego aside and support each other.

BX: Thanks for your time sir.

Sircidy: Thanks for having me


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