Vote Jeremiah for President – A Visionary Leader for a Better and United Nunku

Jeremiah Abdullahi has the positive insight and overwhelming potential to lead NCDA right. He’s done it before and will do it again.

Vote for Jeremiah as NCDA President for a visionary leader focused on unity, progress and community. Team Jeremiah for a better Nunku!

For a better and more unified Nunku ward, vote √ for the candidate with the vision and potential to lead NCDA forward.

Jeremiah Abdullahi is that leader. With his positive insight and overwhelming talent, he has the ability to steer NCDA in the right direction for the community.

Jeremiah is a proven leader who gets results. He has accomplished great things for Nunku before and will do so again as your NCDA President.

Together, under Jeremiah’s leadership, we can build a stronger, more connected Nunku for all. He represents progress, opportunity and community.

This election, make your voice heard. Support the leader who supports all of Nunku. Let’s unite with one vision and one purpose.

Team Jeremiah! Vote √ Jeremiah Abdullahi for NCDA President. The future of our community rests in your hands.

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