I am deeply honoured and grateful to God almighty, my family, team and friends, the traditional, religious and community leaders, especially my most respected, loving and forward thinking people of Akwanga/Nassarawa Eggon/Wamba Federal Constituency across party, ethnic lines for this opportunity to contribute my quota in the project of setting our dear Federal Constituency in the path of accelerated growth for us all and the generation yet unborn as Member House of Representatives in the 10th Assembly.

I’m humbled that you would place your faith and trust in me.

Also, I would like to appreciate the efforts and other sacrifices of the electoral empire, INEC, security agencies, observers (both local and foreign) and other relevant individuals and groups for contributing massively to the smooth, free, fair and credible process of the election that stand sky above the ground as the best in our democratic memory.

This wouldn’t have been possible without the inputs of my father, President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR and the 9th National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for laying a solid, lasting and democratic foundation for our electoral system which empowered the thumbs of the Nigerian people with the new electoral act and the political will to implement same. Our appreciations also goes to H. E Engr. A. A Sule for the support and providing a level playing ground for us.

My most profound gratitude and conscience goes to my father, the lover of the people and maker of leaders, Barr. Danladi Umar Halilu Envulu’Anza ESQ, OON, to whom I owe a lot. Indeed, you gave this journey your all. My leader, you are a distinguished Senator Nasarawa North never had at the moment. But my solace lies in a conviction I have that Senate will come. I strongly believe your best is yet to come, Sir. I am looking forward to your guidance and mentorship as I carry this responsibility that you engineered and stood firm to make sure it came to fruition.

To my honourable opponents, their respective teams and supporters, I respectfully wish to say, I’m most appreciative to you all for running such a fair, peaceful and competitive campaign. It opened my eyes to so many new perspective regarding this office, our constituency and its future. I would like to appeal that we all harness our ideas and plans, put our act together to move this federal constituency as a team. Apparently Wamba, Akwanga and Nassarawa Eggon (WAN) is the only home we have, so I call on you all to join hands with me so we can give our people the best as I believe you all had plans to.

I will offer an open-door policy and I will keep that promise. In addition, today I reiterate my commitment to acting as an impartial, objective and open representative. As many are aware, In addition to being a politician, all my life I have been a community man. I have worked with my people for the development of our native community. As such, I am fully aware that no view is useful if we do not see, and no words have value if we do not listen. I will be ready to listen to all representatives and to work for them and with them.

My desire, commitment and readiness to offer quality representation, empower our women and the youths, care for the weak, elderly and downtrodden as enshrined in my blueprint is still intact. I will also like to reiterate my resolve to the development of our federal constituency and the growth of our people, Nasarawa State and Nigeria at large. Indeed, this is an opportunity for me to SERVE GOD IN HUMILITY – THROUGH HUMANITY. All my life, this is what I have always worked towards, this is what I wanted and with this opportunity, I can assure you that THE FUTURE IS HERE.

Amb. Jeremiah Umaru, ACA., House of Representatives Member-elect, Akwanga/Nassarawa Eggon/Wamba Federal Constituency.

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