Gbenga Daniel, a former governor of Ogun, has stated that Nigerians must make intelligent decisions when voting in the 2023 elections.

He said this on Tuesday at the fourth edition of the annual lecture organised by Freedom Online newspaper in Lagos.

Daniel stated that the general election is another opportunity for citizens to contribute actively towards meaningful change.

“It isn’t possible to sell an item and still dictate to the buyer how to use it. Once the vote is purchased, you can’t ask how they use what you have sold,” he said.

“Nigerians have to realise that the only way to see a developed Nigeria is to ensure that they vote with their brain and not their stomach, because a night with hunger is better than four years of pain and struggle, I believe.

“The next election gives an opportunity for us to rewrite the destiny of this country. So, the decision we make next year will be with us for another eight years; that is long enough to make the country better or worse.”


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