The member representing Yagba federal constituency in the House of Representatives, Hon. Leke Abejide, has paid West African Examination Council (WAEC) fees and administrative charges for all students across Yagba East, Yagba West and Mopamurio local government areas, Kogi state.

The payment covered students of both public and private secondary schools in Yagba federal constituency.

Kicking off distribution of textbooks and bank drafts for payment of WAEC fees in Mopa on Wednesday, the Director General of Leke Abejide Foundation, Chief Shola Adebola commended the federal lawmaker for financing WAEC registration for the fourth consequtive year.

Adebola stated that Hon. Leke Abejide has been consistent in the payment every year and has never failed at any point.

H noted that Abejide has also relieved the parents of the payment yet again, despite that the increase in WAEC fee for this by the examination board from thirteen to N18,000.

Abejide also initiated a campaign of at least 2 textbooks to one child in Yagba land.

The textbooks donated by the federal lawmaker was handed over to the Education Secretary the three local governments in Yagba federal constituency.

Adebola explained that Leke Abejide, Chairman, House Committee on Customs & Excise, launched the “at least two textbooks to one child” initiative in his quest to improve education and make provisions for books to further help the students.

He expressed concern that most pupils lack instructional materials that will enable them deepen their knowledge in subjects taught in school.

“Education is a lifetime investment. The future is here and we have to build prospect for the young ones. Very soon, classroom blocks will also be provided.

“This is not based on party or other affiliations but for all eligible students in Yagba to ensure a good standard of learning,” he said.

Hon. Leke assured the people that as long as he remains the representative of the people, he will continue to pay for the WAEC fees.

He enjoined parents who have children in the junior classes not to panic as the payment will always continue and will get to them as well.

He encouraged the students to focus on their academics and score good grades, stressing that he wants a better future for them.

“I want you all to be better than myself. Kindly read and pass.

“As a representative of the people, I will not rest in providing solutions to the needs of my constituency throughout my tenure in office,” he assured.

He stated that more roads will be constructed in Yagba land because people are facing a lot of challenges on the roads, assuring that rural roads will also receive adequate attention.

Abejide said his constituents deserve the best, having enjoyed their unflinching support throughout his political sojourn.

The Rep member said he is not contesting for Senate in Kogi West and has not anointed any candidate.

He advised others contesting for political offices to demonstrate capacity by showing the people what they can do before getting to office.

He advised that the people should desist from insulting other politicians and political officeholders, stating that some of his programs are based on his love for the people and his act of giving.

“I love giving because God has blessed me before attaining this office,” he said.

Abejide charged other politicians to take up the challenge and reach out to the people.

Some of the beneficiaries parents in their various remarks thanked the lawmaker for the gesture especially in the aspect of education, saying he has done excellently by craving a better future for the young ones. They prayed for Hon. Abejide, pledging their continuous support for him.

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