Deep Secrets 2.3: Meet Jock Milly and know some of his secrets which you probably don’t know.

Hi Bestxplorian, welcome to another fresh and juicy episode of Deep Secrets brought to you Xlcusively by BESTXPLORER Blog. This is a program where we Xplore, interview and Xpose the secrets of some of the top and trending celebrities. Today we have a rare and a talented Kaduna Base artiste, Jock Milly.


Qn. Please can you briefly tell us who you are?

J. Milly: My name is Jock Abubakar. I am an independent artist, a songwriter, a recording/performing artist, a poet, and an essayist.

Qn. What tribe are you and from which state/LGA?

J. Milly: I am Ham by tribe, from Kaduna State, from Jaba Local Government.

Qn. What is your native name?

J. Milly: Jock is my tribal name actually. 

Qn. What do you do for a living?

J. Milly: I am a singer and a professional song writer.

Qn. What was your ambition as a kid?

J. Milly: Law. I’ve always wanted to become a lawyer when I was a kid.

Qn. What are your qualifications so far?

J. Milly: I have a degree in Literature and a diploma in Civil Law.

Qn. What motivated or inspired you into music?

J. Milly: The drive to express myself. I’ve always loved to put my thoughts out there. And what other farthest way to have it heard than through music, I thought.

Qn. Why do you chose the genre of music you’re practising?

J. Milly: I chose Afrobeats for its fast global recognition. And Alternative Music, for my natural attachment to it.

Qn. Who is your role model?

J. Milly: They are too many to mention. But they range from Tupac, Akon, Immortal, Wyclef Jean, Technique, Bob Marley, Nas, etc.

Qn. How old are you?

J. Milly: Lol… I will love to keep that to a little extent, a secret for now. But I’m above

Qn. What is Your best/greatest achievement?

J. Milly: My greatest achievement is sticking to my guns. That’s, choosing music over every other thing in spite of the rough road.

Qn. Are you signed to any label?

J. Milly: No I am an independent artist.

Qn. What is the Most embarrassing moment of your life?

J. Milly: My most embarrassing moment was the day I was waving at my crush and she smiled and waved back, unknown to me that it was someone behind me she was waving at. 

Qn. Are you married, dating or single?

J. Milly: I am single. Very much single.

Qn. Who is your first love?

J. Milly: Dorcas

Qn. At what age will you like to marry?

J. Milly: I’ve passed the age. It was 25. So now, any age is fine by me.

Qn. What’s your favourite food?

J. Milly: OMG! Rice, rice, rice. 

Qn. What is your favourite colour?

J. Milly: Black

Qn. If your wishes could be granted, what’s the first thing you would wish for?

J. Milly: To be 15 years old, but with the knowledge I have now. 

Qn. Who is your celebrity crush?

J. Milly: They are two, Drew Barrymore, the American actress, and Rita Dominic, the Nigerian actress.

Qn. Who’s your Kaduna female crush?

J. Milly: She’s a friend on Facebook, I can’t share her name.

Qn. Your best Nigerian song?

J. Milly: “Fati” it’s an Hausa Song. I don’t know the name of the artist who sang it. But it’s quite popular in the Hausa community.

Qn. One artiste you wanna collaborate with?

J. Milly: Lauryn Hill

Qn. What do you hate the most?

J. Milly: Lizard

Qn. Who is your competitor in music industry?

J. Milly: I am not competing with anyone. There may be others competing with me secretly though.

Qn. Will you choose fame over riches or riches over fame?

J. Milly: Fame of riches. 

Qn. Will you quit music for N20 million?

J. Milly: No

Qn. Will you choose to stay with Mavin Record in Nigeria or choose USA with free visa and green card?

J. Milly: Mavin all the way. 

Qn. Should your fans and everyone expect something from you anytime soon?

J. Milly: Yes. Jock Milly Music and more

Qn. What do you think about Kaduna Entertainment Industry ranging from the artistes, event planners, OAPs, promoters, bloggers, producers etc?

J. Milly: All I have to say is, it’s high time everyone quit the village championship.

Qn. Your advice to upcoming artistes?

J. Milly: If you’re dope, next thing is promo to your last kobo.

J. Milly Quote: “Anything is possible until you doubt so” by Jock Milly

Stay with us as we bring another guest next week.

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