The Human rights activist who was set free yesterday makes his first public appearance on social media with words of appreciation to all those that stood by him during his trial times.



I am speechless, I lack the appropriate words to describe the love, support and solidarity shown  to me during my 162 days in confinement.

Men and women of goodwill from Kaduna, Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt, USA, UK etc, I cannot list your names individually but please know that I am sincerely greatful and my prayer is that God will reward you all abundantly.

To my Lawyers, I say a very big thank you for making freedom a reality.

SOKAPU Rivers chapter and the National body you guys are awesome and I am indebted to you.

To the Adara Development Association and the Adara Chiefdom all I can say is thank you for your tremendous supports.

Kenyi Development Association Kaduna I say thank you.

To all the Adara IDPS who visited me at the prison and those who couldn’t for obvious reason I say thank you, I love you dearly.

Bavoshiya Gloria Nyan you left me in  tears the day you visited, I love you ma’am.

HURIWA you guys are amazing, thank you.

Prison was fun because a lot was learnt, at the appropriate time I shall be talking about the prison and the rot there in.

Don’t come and be asking me what I was eating in prison ohhhh….lol

Pardon my poor grammars, prison hangover still dey my face…..

Thank you my good friends at Gaze Photography Kaduna for these post prison pictures.

Thank you and God bless you all.

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