Both Nigerians and the world have continued to react to the shocking statement published on the Financial Times, on Monday, alleging the United States President, Donald Trump referred to the Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari as ‘lifeless’.

In the report, it read “Donald Trump will welcome Kenya’s Uhuru Kenyatta to the White House on Monday for what will be only the second one-on-one meeting the US president has held with an African leader since he took office last year.
It however added that “the first meeting with Nigeria’s ailing 75-year-old Muhammadu Buhari in April, ended with the US President telling aides he never wanted to meet someone so lifeless again, according to three people familiar with the matter”.
However, Nigerians and the world quickly took to the micro-blogging site, Twitter, to react to the comment.
Below are their tweets:

Read also Donald Trump referred to president Buhari as lifeless President

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