Coming after it was reported that a farmer was killed by suspected herdsmen in Ogun State here, a monarch in Taraba State and 28 others were said to be have been killed during the week in fresh attacks by Fulani herdsmen, The Nation reports.
The attacks, which took place between Tuesday and Wednesday, occurred while the dust was yet to settle on herdsmen attacks on some Benue communities early in the year, which resulted in the death of about 70 residents.
Many other people were said to have been injured in the Taraba incidents while scores of other people were displaced after their homes were torched by the invaders.
No fewer than nine people were cruelly killed in separate attacks in Gishiri, Dooshima and Danwaza villages of Taraba State while another attack by the herdsmen on Karmen village, Ibi Local Government Area, left the traditional ruler, Zaki Gabriel Ukovur, dead.
Eleven people, including women and children, were feared killed in Wukari and six others in Gassol.
The Taraba State Broadcasting Service (TSBS) had reported yesterday that two people were killed on Tuesday when gunmen attacked Donnada village in Lau Local Government area where a mass burial of more than 68 persons took place.
The caretaker chairman of Ibi Local Government Council, Bala Bako, who confirmed the attacks and killings to newsmen in a telephone, said the killers operate on the same network as the Fulani gunmen who attacked Logo and Guma local government areas of Benue State in the New Year, killing about 73 people.
Recall that suspected herdsmen hacked a farmer to death on his farmland in Ogun State. The farmer identified as Adetona Owolabi was allegedly killed on Thursday in his farm at Afon, Imeko-Afon local government area of the state.
The incident occurred few hours after the Ogun State Government took proactive measures to prevent clashes between herdsmen and farmers in the state.
It was gathered by that Adetona was working on his farm located few metres away from the Afon bridge along Owode/Abeokuta road when he observed that herds of cattle were grazing on the farm and ate his cassava, yam and vegetables.

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