Triple MG act, Tekno tops off a stellar year by getting named among Billboard Magazine’s 10 Hip-Hop and R&B Acts To Watch In 2017! They likewise affirm Tekno’s arrangement with Sony Music by means of Columbia Records. Monstrous!

This is what they needed to state: 
Tekno as of now has various hits in Nigeria, and Columbia Records observed, tossing its weight behind this coordinated, versatile voiced vocalist. Tekno’s “Pana,” which has officially collected more than 13 million perspectives on YouTube and propelled a minor adaptation of a video challenge, is sentimental and light on its feet with minimal more than a bothering guitar line and squirts of bass, everything pegged to a serpentine forward walk. There’s obviously a request in the standard for fluffy move cuts like this one: close your eyes and envision a keen radio software engineer signaling this up after Drake’s “Too Good.”

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