An umbrella group of youths committed to enthroning decency in politics known as Youths For Change NG, has called on former Minister Femi Fani-Kayode to stop his constant use of derogatory words and horrendous use of foul language when addressing issues publicly. 
In a statement issued in Lagos on Sunday by its National Leader, Mr. Seun Bobade, the group said the tweet by Mr. Fani-Kayode on Saturday when he responded to the Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, during a television programme, was irresponsible. 

The statement read: 

”We found Mr. Fani-Kayode’s tweet extremely distasteful, very disgusting and unbecoming of a man who supposedly had a good education. How can Mr. Fani-Kayode censure the young ones, including his own children, if they become uncouth, rude and crude in public discourse when he himself has now made such distasteful disposition his trade mark”.

The group said even though it’s ok for people to disagree sometimes. Adding:

”Such disagreement should not be a licence for anyone to pollute the air with crude and abusive language”.  

”In recent times, Mr. Fani-Kayode, who touts his pedigree at every opportunity, has not lived up to his billing. If he is not fanning the embers of disunity with very incendiary statements, he is employing very nasty language even against those who are old enough to be his father. This is not encouraging to the youths and should stop forthwith.”

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