Nigeria witnessed no pipeline vandalism arising from militant activities in the Niger Delta in the past three months, the Federal Government said on Wednesday.
The near zero rupturing of pipelines in the Niger Delta was mainly due to the consultations and ongoing discussions with stakeholders in the region.
The Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Dr. Ibe Kachikwu, stated this at the ongoing Oil Technology Conference 2017 holding in Houston, Texas, United States.
The Director of Press in the Ministry of Petroleum Resources, Mr. Idang Alibi, said in a statement issued in Abuja that Kachikwu noted that pursuing peace, security and stability in the Niger Delta was an integral aspect of the implementation of the ministry’s target for this year.
The minister had announced in October last year that the government was working hard to record no vandalism of oil pipelines in 2017, adding that efforts were on to substantially reduce youth restiveness in the Niger Delta.

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