Again, President Muhammadu Buhari on Wednesday stayed away from the meeting of the Federal Executive Council, FEC, currently holding at the Presidential Villa, Abuja. President Muhammadu Buhari, Chairman and NGF and Zamfara State Governor Alh Abdulaziz Yari and Rt Hon Yakubu Dogara during the formal launch of the Nigerian Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP) at the State House Council Chamber in Abuja Similarly, the Council Chamber, venue of the meeting was also scanty with about 20 out of 36 Ministers equally absent. Vice President Yemi Osinbajo is chairing the meeting.
Reasons for the President’s absence has not been officially ascertained as at press time. The same applied to that the absentee Ministers. Meanwhile, the preliminaries of Wednesday’s meeting were not short of what played out penultimate Wednesday when the already seated Osinbajo and the Ministers who were expectant of the President, appearing to preside over the meeting got disappointed as Buhari failed to show up. But at exactly 11 am, the time for the meeting, Osinbajo got whispers from the State Chief of Protocol, SCOP and thereafter called for the National Anthem and opening prayers, signaling the commencement of the meeting. Journalists were later excused from the meeting which got underway. Meanwhile, the acting Secretary to the Government of the Federation, SGF, Dr. Habiba Muda Lawal was at the meeting.

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