According to a statement by their official twitter account, money doubling scheme, MMM Nigeria is back from its brief hiatus.
Even thought the Ponzi scheme was meant to return on January 14th, it seems they decided coming back a day earlier will add to the shock value. “This is to officially inform you that MMM Nigeria is open for business a day earlier than promised! Let’s go there Nigerians,” the Twitter post said.
However, this time around the money doublers are back with new conditions, which includes encouraging its members to use bitcoin for transactions.
Upon resumption, MMM says its members will now be able to pay and receive money in bitcoins, the worldwide accepted digital currency. MMM cites bitcoin’s steady growth in value as a reason for participants to adopt the currency.
“In a month, not only 30 percent will be added to your initial amount, but, it can increase itself due to Bitcoin price growth,” MMM’s letter to its participants partly reads.
MMM Nigeria suspended its operations on December 14, it had over 3 million participants in the country since making inroads into the Nigerian investment market in 2015. The suspension threw millions of Nigerians into utter panic especially as the media and government agencies were greatly against the scheme.
Here’s a copy of the statement posted on Twitter.