Pst. L.G Kantiyok releases a powerful new song, “New Nigeria”, praying for God’s mercy and a better future for Nigeria amidst its numerous challenges.

Nigeria, a nation blessed with abundant resources and potential, is facing numerous challenges that have left its citizens crying out for a better tomorrow.

From hunger and insecurity to insurgency, hardship, and bad leadership, the country is in dire need of divine intervention.

In response to these difficulties, Pst. L.G Kantiyok has resurfaced with a heartfelt new song titled “New Nigeria”.

This powerful song is a passionate plea to God to have mercy on Nigeria and its people. Pst. L.G Kantiyok’s soulful voice echoes the cries of many Nigerians who are yearning for a better future.

Through “New Nigeria”, the artist is calling on everyone to join hands and pray for a new, improved Nigeria where peace, prosperity, and good leadership reign.

Download and Join the Movement

“New Nigeria” is more than just a song; it’s a movement. It’s a call to action for everyone who desires a positive change in Nigeria.

By downloading and listening to this song, you’ll be joining a community of people who are committed to praying and working towards a better future for Nigeria.

By sharing this song through this blog post and downloading “New Nigeria” song, you’ll be contributing to a movement that seeks to inspire hope and positive change in Nigeria. Let’s join hands and pray for a better tomorrow.


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