Obtain an academic support fund for your personal development needs via the Skusat Mid-Year Trivia.
Here is a great opportunity to win cash prizes online by simply using any internet enabled device to participate in an online test which has been scheduled to hold on the 28th of July. Feel free to use your mobile phones and tablets to partake in this program.
Skusat has been ranked the best educational campaign brand in West Africa and the current program has been slated to run before its biannual CBT contest which would commence later in August.
To enroll for this ongoing edition, submit your application online before the 21st of July for review and consideration.
The Live Test (online test) will consist of 25 questions from various academic spheres and successful applicants will be rewarded on the 31st of July.

Visit www.skusat.com/mid-year-trivia
Eligible applicants will be prompted via SMS on the 21st of July.
Get daily updates about the program by following www.facebook.com/SkusatNG