This Nigerian Police Man has just being Pictured at a welders shop repairing his Gun, No Wonder the Nigerian Police were rated the Number one worst force in the world, what happened to repairing Guns through the right channel?? this might be the cause of all the accidental discharge of bullets recorded all over Nigeria were innocent civilians are killed
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_kingara As funny as this looks, this is just totally insane. I doubt if those riffles are ever calibrated, recalibrated or kept in checks. I pity my dear country
uncleazeez This is fucked up, Nigeria is a mix of bullshit and hope thanks to our leaders (and we Nigerians too) . Pictures like this makes me sad and it spoils our image in the world. And we will have the government showing off and acting like kids. How are they suppose to govern us when that have not mastered the art of governing themselves . F##k this is so annoying that the IG of police should be questioned for not holding it down withing the ranks of his men. I bow for my country ooo. Lots of things needs to change in that country. Starting from all government institutions #therevolutionwillnotbetelevised #uncleazeez
godwin2ng Another stray bullet is coming for an innocent soul. When will we get things right in this country.
prince_shittu God na who curse Nigeria
? Wetin happen to the Police armory wey b say na dis kind welding machine e dey use?
blacc_diamond_xoxo It’s unfair they were ranked the least police force in the world they shouldn’t have include them in the list at all